Tools and Environments#


pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv#

Here we outline some notes on installation and usage of pyenv and virtual Python environments with pyenv-virtualenv. If you have followed the setup in Local Dev System Setup, you already have pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv set up, so you can skip the Installation section below.


See and for installation instructions.


If you use the pyenv installer script, mentioned in the install docs, note that pyenv-virtualenv is also installed with it.


If you are running into performance problems with your shell, remove the line eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)" from your shell’s .rc file.


On Linux systems pyenv will install new Python versions withouth several module dependencies, if you don’t install the appropriate dev libraries before. This is specifically a problem for pre-commit, which depends on libsqlite3-dev. So to be on the safe side install the following libraries (here shown for Ubuntu based distros):

sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev liblzma-dev libbz2-dev libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev tk8.6-dev.

You might decide that you definitely will not need all of those, e.g. all the tk8.6 related packages. But be sure to double-check for warnings when you do a pyenv install, in case you run into mysterious ModuleNotFounderrors. (Once you have installed the dev libs, you can also just reinstall a specific python version, without loosing your existing virtualenvs.)


List all available Python versions:

pyenv install --list

Display latest Release:

pyenv latest <prefix>
pyenv latest 3.11

Install a Python version:

# install latest release
pyenv install <prefix>
pyenv install 3.11

# install a specific version
pyenv install <version>
pyenv install 3.11.1

List Python versions you have installed:

pyenv versions

Switch Python versions globally, locally or for current shell session:

# global [select globally for your user account]
pyenv global <version>
pyenv global 3.11.1

# local [automatically select whenever you are in the current directory (or its subdirectories)]
pyenv local <version>
pyenv local 3.11.1

# current shell session
pyenv shell <version>
pyenv shell 3.11.1

Uninstall Python version(s):

pyenv uninstall <versions>
pyenv uninstall 3.11.1

Create a virtualenv:

pyenv virtualenv <version> <name>
pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 showroom

Activate/Deactivate a virtualenv:

# activate
pyenv activate <name>
pyenv activate showroom

# deactivate
pyenv deactivate


You can also set a virtualenv locally with pyenv local <name>.

List existing virtualenvs:

pyenv virtualenvs

Delete existing virtualenv:

pyenv uninstall <name>
pyenv uninstall showroom

For more background on managing Python virtual environments see this article: